Marquis Who’s Who

Since 1898, Marquis Who's Who has remained the standard for reliable and comprehensive biographical data.

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Meet Our Featured Listees

Steven Stanley

Dr. Steven Stanley, an internationally acclaimed paleontologist, educator and writer, published “T. Rex, Darwin, and Adventures Out West” in 2024, with several other books to his credit.

Leonard Gray

Dr. Leonard Gray, a retired chief scientist of the U.S.-Russian Plutonium Disposition Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, possesses over 50 years of expertise in chemistry.

Marty Herman

Marty Herman, the owner of the Exposures International Gallery of Fine Art, is one of the largest worldwide sculpture sellers and was celebrated as a cultural leader by Psychology Today.

Vincent Tomeo

Vincent Tomeo, a retired history educator at Francis Lewis High School with over 40 years of experience, has penned over 1,000 magazine pieces as an accomplished poet and author.

Susan Kavaler-Adler

Dr. Susan Kavaler-Adler, the founder of the Object Relations Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, accepted the 2004 Gradiva Award and 16 other accolades for her writing.

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For over a century, Marquis Who’s Who has proudly supported the library and research communities with the most trusted biographical information of its kind. Nearly every public and academic library in the United States – as well as corporate and research libraries around the world – use Marquis Biographies in print or online (MBO).  This is why Marquis Who’s Who has been invaluable to the reference community for over 120 years and will be for decades to come.

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Listee Branding

Marquis Who’s Who strives to provide our listees with the best branding opportunities in order to reach their highest potential. In recent years, we have been proud to introduce several new partnerships, products and services. Our valued listees have exclusive access to features in United Hemispheres and The Wall Street Journal, and unmatched promotional opportunities including video interviews featuring Star Jones.

How Marquis Who's Who changed Warren Buffett's Life

An accomplished and renowned investor, and business mogul, Mr. Buffett understood early in his career the true importance of our work in highlighting great American achievement.

“To be able to [read about] the lives of these people that have been through so much … it’s so extraordinary; the lessons, the discouragements they’ve faced, everything about them.” – Warren Buffett on the impact of Marquis Who’s Who on his life.

Warren Buffett

Chairman & CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

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